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Fundamental QI
3 Frameworks
In this course we take you through the fundamentals of Quality Improvement. This is an essential course which we recommend for all staff, as we go through Triangle4Change©, SO WHAT©, and Model of Improvement.
Introduction to Lean Thinking Principles
Our QI Methodology has been developed based on Lean Thinking principles. Understanding these principles will help you know how to apply the 3 frameworks to any situation, and know which tools and techniques to use.
How to use
data for change
Collecting, presenting and analysing data gives you quantifiable measures of success. This course will help you understand how to use data confidently and measure your QI change work.
Involving others in QI - Asset Based Thinking
People are your greatest asset for change. Involving the right people in the right way will help you to achieve strong ownership and may even help you find some of your best ideas. In this course we will help you identify who you need to involve and plan how to get them involved.
Using QI to improve your environment
Our environment can affect the way we work, how we feel and the effectiveness of team communication. In this course we will go through a number of models which can help you remove waste, improve efficiency and add value.
Using QI to Improve Processes
Improving processes so that current issues can be improved and future processes are streamlined, more efficient and safe, will help support you and your team to work more effectively. This course explains the tools and techniques you need to ensure high quality experiences for all.
Our packages are....
QI basics – provided when launching QSUS© software for Ward Accreditation and Quality Metrics within the start-up
workshop and second session in ‘how to use data’ once staff have started completing their data collection – This can be
done as face to face or on-line option
∙ QI - awareness for all – using campaign style launch events and one day masterclasses - this aims at widescale spread of
our QI methodology and permission for everyone to get started – NEW option of QSUS ACADEMY membership – Includes
printed handbooks, licence for e-learning and monthly online sessions with EB Ltd.
∙ QI for standardised ward improvement - this uses e-handbooks for establishing standards using QI - we currently have
two handbook programmes 1) Ward Environment and 2) MDT communication (this includes introducing huddles, rounding
∙ QI application - this uses action learning with cohort groups to apply QI to specific situations to aid learning - examples
include Reducing Pressure Ulcers/Falls, Implementing your Trust Strategy, Improving Maternity Services – Additional
optional resources include e-Handbooks for environment and MDT communication.
∙ Train your team programme - This involves developing a bespoke programme of change, including a mix of approaches,
where we teach QI and at the same time coach the in-house QI team in how to deliver ongoing QI facilitation and support
for staff - typically this support runs over 12 months
QI Basics
Provided when launching QSUS© software for Ward Accreditation and Quality Metrics within the start-up workshop and second session in ‘how to use data’ once staff have started completing their data collection – This can bedone as face to face or on-line option